Monday, February 2, 2009

superbowl baby....

Yes we did it....the Steelers won again....6th time......and if you have not noticed i am so excited....they are amazing...we had a wonderful day at my great friends Sheri and Matt's house....i was the only Steeler fan there but it was good...they all realized that there is no other team out i will say it again....HERE WE GO STEELERS HERE WE GO.......PITTSBURGH WON THE SUPERBOWL......:)

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Kids Winter Formal

My two oldest went to their winter formal last night.....21 kids fit in a limo that was amazing. Casey went with his girlfriend Allison and Cassie and her two girlfriends went boys....Daddy was happy. Enjoy the pics.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

FOOTBALL.......enough said.....

Wow.....where have i been....i know alot of people get mad at me when i dont keep this up but the last month has been a big one for all of us.....with the Holidays and finding out that my wonderful husband passed the California State Bar Exam our life has not stopped. Of course right now the big news in our house hold is that........THE STEELERS ARE GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL....if you dont know, and i am not sure how you could not know....i am a big Steeler fan....this is the best time of the year...well for me it family has yet to let me out of the house for games since i tend to get a little crazy....but we found a group called the So Cal Steel City Mafia.....dedicated Steeler fans....they meet every Sunday at a Mexican Restaurant in our area and watch faithfully our games. On Jan 18th, we had our Championship game against the nasty Ravens.....and of course beat like i said before...... WE ARE GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL..... Enjoy the pics below.....this was the day of the Championship to you all and remember....FEB 1st.....Superbowl Sunday.....GO STEELERS

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

First Day of school

Today Gavin started his first day at Cornerstone Christian School. It was a big decision on all our parts but a good one. He was very nervous today but as soon as we got there all the kids ran up to him and asked if he was the "new kid". It was so nice to see these kids so friendly and nice to him. I think it made him feel better and i know i did as well. Here is the picture of his first day of school. Check out the cool clothes he has to wear.....I love it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Casey and Cassie went to Homecoming last weekend.....their theme was a Knight out.......They had a blast. The school also won the Homecoming game as well.....Cassie was on the float at Alice In Wonderland and Casey's truck pulled the float. Enjoy the pics.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween....with teenagers

Wow.....i have really been behind on my blog....We celebrated Halloween last night, and decided to do a haunted maze in our yard....our kids, as you know, are old and are not into the trick or treat thing anymore. So we have to think outside the box and go for more age appropriate stuff. The Maze was a hit.....we had smoke coming out of our cars and Casey sat on the hood of his car scaring people....Cassie and her friends were dead was great...Gavin was leatherface and decided that after 30 minutes he was done and wanted to venture out into the neighborhood looking for friends and candy. Here are some pics of the kids and our maze. Enjoy

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My Baby is 13

September 15, 1995 was a day that i will never baby was born and my life changed like you would never believe. Even though having him was not in my was definitly in someone elses, and for that i will never be ungreatfull. Having a boy has definitly made me thank my mother for not giving me a brother. Boys are way different then girls and learning all their different likes and dislikes is hard. It is also hard to have a son who all of a sudden just calls you Mom instead of Mama like he use to....who would rather talk to girls on the phone now then sit on the couch and watch TV with you, and of course who would rather go to Daddy with questions instead of you. Raising Boys is hard but at the same time fun. They dont have attitudes like girls at his age do and they don't go through to much of a Change like girls do, but they are entergetic and have to go go go all the time. Speaking of Go Go Go, Gavin for his 13 Birthday decided to have a Pole Position Party with his friend and family. It was alot of fun and a great Big Boy way to ring in the first Teen Year. Enjoy the pics.